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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, Indonesia

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali is perfect for beginners and aspiring teachers who want to learn the basics of yoga for self-practice, lifestyle transformation, or opening their own yoga studio. With Western Style yoga and modern techniques guided by world-class yoga gurus, our school is certified by Yoga Alliance USA. The program includes comfortable accommodation and nutritious meals, making it an ideal destination to travel, learn, explore, and create unforgettable lifetime memories.

Course Highlights

  • 23 Nights - 24 Days Accommodation
  • Nutritious Vegetarian, Vegan Meals
  • Weekend excursion (Drop to Ubud)
  • Air conditioning
  • Laundry & Weekly Room Cleaning
  • Yoga Materials
  • Full Body Massage
  • Daily coco-nut water
  • Swimming pool
  • Traditional Balinese dance
yoga teacher training in bali youtube link

Yoga Teacher Training In Bali - Upcomming Dates

1 Apr to 24 Apr - 2025
Triple Shared: $2500 $2200
Double Shared: $2700 $2500
Private: $2999 $2700
1 May to 24 May - 2025
Triple Shared: $2500 $2200
Double Shared: $2700 $2500
Private: $2999 $2700
1 Jun to 24 Jun - 2025
Triple Shared: $2500 $2200
Double Shared: $2700 $2500
Private: $2999 $2700

All Dates Avalable for 2025 - 2026 click on the link below to get Quote

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Bali, Indonesia - Overview

Are you looking for the ultimate yoga teacher training in Bali? Then, look no further! Take a master fusion course at our yoga school in bali. We provide a traditional style of yoga, comprehensive and genuine knowledge of philosophy, yogic life, asana-pranayama, anatomy, meditation-breathing techniques, mantra- chanting and much more in an island paradise.

Escape from the distraction of your daily life and formalize your personal relationship with yoga on this 10-day program. This is a rare opportunity to learn first-hand from experienced yoga masters who have studied over twenty years with internationally recognized teachers and head of schools like Tao Porchon-Lynch, Prema Tiwari and many more.

Our main focus is to have a small and intimate class setting for individualize and personalize attention our students. We strive to create an open atmosphere and special bond between the students, teachers and the Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center team. Our intensive 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, Indonesia program is dedicated to impart, guide and train students in yogic teachings, learning to cultivate a harmonious lifestyle and acquire deeper life changing experiences.

yoga ttc in bali

It is a multi-style yoga teacher training course, certified by the yoga Alliance USA, Yoga Alliance INDIA International, we are an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified school. Our yoga school offers both: Classical Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga alongside yoga philosophy, meditation, pranayama, yoga anatomy and physiology. After completing the 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training In Bali from Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center our students are eligible to teach and open their own yoga school any where in the world.

This 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course is for those who are just beginning and those who would like to deepen their practice, during the course.

You will expand into the world of yoga, developing spiritually and physically and improve your knowledge, professional skills, and an ability to teach yoga in your specific way. You will have special classes to understand the nuances of based on yogic principles and discussions on philosophical topics, helping to streamline the approach and experiences of yogic practices in the class.

As well as learning the technical aspects of instructing a class, students will also be encouraged to engage in interactive and vibrant discussions on various aspects of yogic lifestyle and the ethics of yoga teaching.

The dedicated and experienced panel of yoga teachers and gurus, at Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center, have immense knowledge of vinyasa yoga flows, vinyasa yoga poses, different kinds of yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, meditation and much more. We follow a unique way of allowing students to learn, providing full attention on the needs of people personally as well as professionally. The staff are highly cooperative and work hard to ensure your stay is as convenient as possible

Accommodations At Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center in Bali

During your yoga teacher training in bali - Yoga Alliance Certified, you will be staying at Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center in Puri Saron Hotel Madangan in Bali, Indonesia. The school is situated in the heart of the Bali.

Our yoga school in bali is located in a very peaceful place and surrounded by beautiful nature. There is one yoga studio, dining area, a beautiful green garden in the Ashram and an amazing swimming pool. We have some of the famous and most interesting places nearby, such as the Elephant Cave, Monkey Forest, Ubud Market (shops, cafes, Restaurants, ATM, healthcare, organic stores), Ubud Palace and Uluwatu Temple.

Both single and double rooms based on the students’ requirements are offered at our yoga school in bali. Every room has an attached bathroom with a western toilet and hot shower, balcony with access to nature or the swimming pool. The rooms for the yogis are well maintained and clean. They offer bed sheets, pillows, bath towels, toilet paper, blankets and welcome amenities upon arrival. Good wi-fi is included on every floor. Laundry servicesare also available but you will have to pay an additional fee.

yoga training accomodation in bali
yoga training accomodation in bali
yoga training accomodation in bali

Food At Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center in Bali

Daily freshly made vegetarian meals are included in the price. The food is fully prepared hygienically with fresh vegetables. Our food is well known all around the world for its taste and verities.

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need. ~Ayurvedic Proverb.

Isn’t it enough just to practice the Yoga, do we have to regulate our food?’ wonder many. In itself, practicing yoga, is not just a healthy life but at our yoga school in bali, we believe that it is also a way of Living, but when complemented with the healthy food habits, it can really create wonders. In fact, eating the right food is an essential part of living a yogic Life.

Message From Our Chef


What we eat, not only influences our physical wellbeing, but also our emotions and thoughts. Yoga, does not dissect food into proteins, carbohydrates or fats, instead it classifies them according to the effect they have on the body and mind. There are three types of food - Satva, Rajas and Tamas.

Tamasic food makes us lethargic or sluggish, while Rajasic food is that which brings about activity or restlessness. Sattvic food is the kind which makes you feel light, energetic and enthusiastic.

Sattvic foods are those which purify the body and calm the mind. They stimulate the body and mind into action. Cooked food consumed within 3-4 hours can be considered sattvic as Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center focus on well being of our students they do sattvic diet for all of them. These menus are created by their Master Chef Sandeep Semwal who had worked with some of the best Five star Hotels around the world and carries great knowledge about sattvic diet along with this he focuses on hygiene practices at our institution to ensure the food is safe and carries great nutritional values which is much needed for healthy life.

It is not just about the right kind of foods, it is vital to eat the proper quantity of food at the right times. Overindulging leads to lethargy while under-eating will not provide enough nourishment. Most of the times we know that our stomach is full but, tempted by the taste buds, we tend to indulge. The right amount of food cannot be quantified into cups or grams, when we listen to our body attentively we will know when exactly to stop!

We might eat the right kind of food in the right quantity but if we are irregular with our timings then the whole system is undermined and the natural rhythm of the body is hampered. it It is of prime importance to eat food at the same time everyday and eat it at regular intervals.

200 Hour Yoga TTC Daily Schedule

5:30 Bell
6:00 – 7:15 Mantra chant & pranayam
7:30 – 9:00 Hatha yoga
9:15 – 10:00 Breakfast
11:00 – 11:45 Yoga Philosophy
12:00 – 13:00 Yoga anatomy
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
15:30 – 17:00 Ashtanga Vinyasa
17:15 – 18:00 Adjustment
18:30 – 19:00 Meditation
10:00 Dinner

Sunday is a full day off!

If you don't participate in any school excursions you can use the time for self study and practice

Food and classes will not be avalaible on Sunday (Accomodation is included on Sunday).

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Bali - Syllabus

Mantra chanting is an effective way to align your vibrations and awareness with the aspects of the self and infinite. It is a great for improving concentration, attention, focus and acts an effective method to release emotions.

  • Om chanting
  • MahaMrityunjaya Mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Guru Vandana (prayer to Guru)
  • Prayer before class & Meal.

Pranayama is generally defined as breath control. Although this interpretation may seem correct in view of the practises involved, it does not convey the full meaning of the term. The word pranayama is comprised of two roots: ‘Prana’ plus ‘Ayama’. Prana means vital energy or life force.


  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Benefits of pranayama
  • Explain the pranic body
  • Prana and lifestyle
  • Breath, health & Pranayama
  • Pranayama and the spiritual aspirants

Practical & Theory

  • Nadishodhana Pranayama
  • Sheetali pranayama
  • Sheetkari Pranayama
  • Bramari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Surya Bheda pranayama


  • Jnana Mudra
  • Chin Mudra
  • Yoni Mudra
  • Bhairava Mudra
  • Hridya Mudra
  • Shambhavi Mudra
  • Khechari Mudra
  • Kaki Mudra
  • Bhoochari Mudra
  • Akashi Mudra

Bandha (Energy Lock)

First definition of the bandha is that by restraining or locking the muscle on a Physical level.

  • Preparation for Bandha
  • Benefits of Bandha
  • MulaBandha
  • JalandharaBandha
  • UddiyanaBandha

Ashtanga yoga is a way of internal purification for revealing the universal self, which consists of eight spiritual practices which syncs the movements of the body with the breath and mind.

Standing Pose

  • Hasta Padangusthasana & Pada Hastasana
  • Utthita Tri Konasana
  • Parivrtta Tri Konasana
  • Utthitan Parsva Konasana
  • Parivrtta Parsva Konasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C & D
  • Utthita Parsvottanasana
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
  • Utthita Parsvasahita
  • Utthita Eka Padasana
  • Ardhabaddha Padmottanasana
  • Ardhabaddha Padmottanasana
  • Virabhadrasana A,B and C.

Primary Asanas

  • Paschimottanasana A, B and C
  • Purvottanasana
  • ArdhaBaddha Padma Paschimottanasana
  • Tirieng Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
  • JanuSirsasana A,B and C
  • Marichyasana A,B and D
  • Navasana
  • Lolasana
  • BhujaPidasana
  • Kurmasana
  • GarbhaPindasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • BaddhaKonasana A & B
  • Konasana A & B

Intermediate Asanas

  • Salabhasana A & B
  • Dhanurasana
  • Ustrasan
  • Kapotasana A & B
  • SuptaVajrasana
  • BakasanaA
  • Bakasana B Jump
  • ArdhaMatsyendrasana
  • Yoga Nidrasana
  • Tittibhasana
  • PichaMayurasana
  • PichaMayurasana
  • Gomukhasana A & B
  • Gomukhasana A & B

Advanced A (optional)

  • Kasyapasana
  • Bhairavasana
  • UrdhvaKukkatasana A
  • Galavasana
  • EkaPadaViparitaDandasna
  • VipritaSalabhasana
  • GandhaBherundasana
  • Hanumanasana
  • Natrajasana
  • Raja Kapotasana

Hatha yoga is considerd to be one of the best forms of exercises all around the world and helps with weight loss, improving health and overall condition of the body. It is adviced to practice hatha yoga under the guidance of expertes as it is considerd to be one of the difficult part of learning yoga.

  • Joints Moments.
  • Surya namaskara ( sun Salutation) & Chandra Namaskara (moon salutation)
  • Yoga Mudrasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Gupta Padmasana
  • BaddhaPadmasana
  • Lolasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • Garbhasana

Backward bending Asanas

  • SaralBhujangasana (Easy cobra Pose)
  • Bhujangasana (cobra Pose)
  • TiryakaBhujangasana (twisting cobra pose)
  • Sarpasana (snake pose)
  • ArdhaShalabhasana ( half locust pose)
  • Shalabhasana (locust pose)
  • SaralDhanurasana (easy bow pose)
  • Kandharasana (shoulder pose)
  • ArdhaChandrasana (half moon pose)
  • Setu Asana (bridge pose)
  • Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose)

Forward bending Asanas

  • Paschimottanasana (back stretching pose)
  • GatyatmakPaschimottanasasna (dynamic back stretch pose)
  • PadaPrasarPaschimottanasana (legs spread back stretch pose)
  • JanuSirshasana (head to knee pose)
  • Ardha Padma paschimottanasana (half lotus back stretching pose)
  • Hasta PadaAngushthasana (finger to toe stretch)
  • Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)
  • SirshaAngusthaYogasana (head to toe pose)
  • Utthitajanusirshasana (standing head between knees pose)

Spinal twisting Asanas

  • ArdhaMatsyendrasana (half spinal twist)
  • ParivrittiJanuSirsasana (spiralled head to knee pose)

Advanced pose

  • Poornabhujangasana (full cobra pose)
  • Kurmasana (tortoise pose)
  • Poornashalabhasana (Full locust pose)
  • PoornaDhanurasana (full bow pose)
  • Dhanu-rakarshan-asana (archer’s posed)
  • Chakrasana (wheel pose)
  • Hanumanasana (leg splitting pose)
  • Poornamatsyendrasana (full spinal twist pose)
  • Mayurasana (peacock pose)
  • Padma mayurasana (Lotus or bound peacock pose)
  • Gorakshasana (Yogi Gorakhnath’s pose)
  • Astavakrasana (eight-twists pose)
  • Vrischikasana (scorpion pose)
  • Inverted pose, balancing pose and core pose.

Shatkarma is a Sanskrit word which is made by 2 different words which is Shat plus Karma and also known as Shaktkriya. This is a traditional Yogic cleansing technique which is very effective and good to remove many illnesses and open the body blockages.

  • Agni Saar
  • JalNeti
  • RuberNeti
  • Tirieng Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
  • Sutra Neti
  • Dand
  • Candle Meditation
  • Mantra chanting meditation
  • Breathing meditation
  • Bhajan/Kirtan
  • Trataka
  • Silence practise meditation

The basic structure and function of the organs and system is very important for the practitioners so that their work as a yoga teacher can be more enhanced. Knowing the different types of joints and their range of motions helps our students to be safe from injuries and also keep safe their students after they start teaching as a teacher.

  • Types of bones
  • Circulatory system
  • Types of heart block
  • Skeletal system

Yoga Philosophy includes theory related to yoga this part of the 200 Hour Yoga TTC at Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center covers following topics :

  • Introduction of Yoga
  • Yoga Pantanjali sutra
  • 5 basic Element
  • Injuries & rest
  • Integrating yoga in daily practice
  • Principle of Yoga
  • 8 limbs of Yoga
  • Yoga therapy
  • Yoga for stress, Migraine and Insomnia
  • Yoga for Hypertension
  • Yoga for heart problem, Blood pressure and Diabetic.
  • Three Dosha
  • The Nadi and kundalini.
  • Basic knowledge of Chakra and Ayurveda
  • Yogic diet
  • Difference between Satvic & Tamasic food.
  • Group discussion
  • Clear doubt

The teaching methodology is one of the most important parts of the 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh as our students will learn the following:

  • How to conduct a class
  • Classroom management
  • How to get in and come out from the posture
  • How to assist & help while teaching the class
  • Which kind of words you should be used as a yoga teacher
  • What makes you different than other teachers in terms of teaching.
  • Which kind of asanas you should recommend with a different health issue
  • How to use belts, bolster, bricks and chair during the class adjustment.

Location of Our Yoga School in Bali

This yoga teacher training course will take place at Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center in Puri Saron Hotel Madangan Bali, Indonesia. The school is situated in the heart of the Bali. Ubud is a perfect place to learn and study yoga. Surrounded by beautiful greenery, lush forests and tranquillity, you will instantly get a natural feeling of contentment and happiness.

The ashram is a perfect setup for a spiritual and enjoyable journey in Bali, where you will cherish the Yoga Teacher Training with an enhanced, uplifted spirit and feel compassion and love for everything life has given you and for all that is surrounding you.

Get a unique chance to experience nature and the beautiful Balinese culture around the school with different sites, experiences, and expert yoga gurus. It provides an extraordinary feeling to all who are dedicated to spiritual transformation, internal development, and environmental sustainability. The staff will overwhelm you with their hospitality & we desire to make your stay the best ever.

swimming pool
swimming pool
swimming pool
swimming pool

More About Our Yoga School in Bali

Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, Indonesia - Master Fusion provides a variety of courses and techniques to suit your requirements. Our courses are designed to give you a traditional style of yoga and the correct understanding of the subject, from origin to its practice in today's world. We believe in providing comprehensive and genuine knowledge of philosophy, yogic life, asana-pranayama, anatomy, meditation-breathing techniques, mantra-chanting, spiritual life and much more.

During the opening welcome ceremony you will be provided with a complete yoga kit which includes yoga mat, books for study, notebook, water bottle, neti-pot, rubber neti, school t-shirt and rudraksha mala. Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center has created a unique 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali suitable for all levels of students as it includes yoga for beginners, primary series, intermediate series and advanced level. After completion of the course you will be awarded a certificate and you are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance and teach yoga anywhere around the world.

Every single student in class will get personal attention from individual teachers as all our yoga gurus are highly qualified, experienced, and well-known names in India. Some of the yoga teachers have previously taught yoga in many famous destinations such as the Seychelles (Desroches Island), Sofitel The Palm Dubai Resorts and Spa, and ZayaNurai Island in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

yoga in bali

Be part of the Master Fusion yoga teacher training course in Bali, Indonesia where you will learn a traditional style of Hatha Yoga with a comprehensive and genuine knowledge of philosophy, yogic life, asana-pranayama, anatomy, meditation-breathing techniques, mantra-chanting, spiritual life and much more.

A yoga teacher training program in Bali offers a holistic approach to learning the practice. A fulfilling and career-defining experience, apply now for the best yoga teacher training course in Bali.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali FEES

Course DATES Private / Double Sharing Triple Sharing BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Apr - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 May - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Jun - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Jul - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Aug - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Sep - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Oct - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Nov - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Dec - 2025 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Jan - 2026 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Feb - 2026 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 to 24 Mar - 2026 $2700 / $2500 $2200 BOOK NOW

All Dates Avalable for 2025 - 2026 click on the link below to get Quote

What Actually Makes Our Yoga School Different?

200 hour yoga couse in bali

It is the beauty and calmness at the ashram, inspiring and heart- warming community, direct teaching and guidance from renowned yoga masters and last but not least an assurance to have a life changing and transforming journey opening up new opportunities and horizons to life.

Discover and learn the traditional style of Yoga. Bali, Indonesia's enchanting culture will be experienced by each student as they relax into their practice. The client benefit is training alongside master teachers and scholars in private one-on- one sessions on spiritual, psychological and physical levels while enjoying your surroundings with purpose.

Our yoga teacher training program is designed to develop the teacher's all-around practical experience, knowledge and skills. The fundamental goal of the program is to prepare teachers for a career in teaching yoga and promoting proper alignment of body and mind.

Nurture your soul with our yoga teacher training in Bali, Indonesia. Our comprehensive course offers a unique blend of the spiritual, physical and practical to help develop you into a master fusion trainer and teacher.

Master Fusion Therapeutic Yoga Teacher training in Bali provides an in-depth experience of Hatha yoga - an ultimate holistic yogic system that includes asana, pranayama, anatomy, meditation and spiritual life. Visit this site to get complete details of the course and upcoming program dates worldwide.

Discipline Rules for Students at Bali Yoga Teacher Training center

  • Smoking, any kind of drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited in at Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center.
  • If you are planning to go out for lunch or dinner so you have to inform kitchen manager for avoiding food waste.
  • Always follow all the rules & regulation, respect the teachers & other students in school.
  • Attend all the classes & always create peaceful enjoinment in the class & school.
  • If you have any belonging items from Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center reception so please return that back before your departure
  • During your stay in Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center, if you want to invite your family member or friend in the school or in your room during the day so please take that person to the front desk first and only after reviewing his/her Identification prove, we will let the person go in.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali - Course Certificate Details

Our intensive 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali program is dedicated to impart, guide and train students in yogic teachings, learning to cultivate a harmonious lifestyle and acquire deeper life changing experiences. It is a multi-style yoga teacher training course, certified by the Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga Alliance INDIA International and we are an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified school. We offer both Classical Hatha Yoga, and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga alongside yoga philosophy, meditation, pranayama, yoga anatomy and physiology.

After Completing Your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

After completing the 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course from Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center our students are eligible to teach and open their own yoga school anywhere in the world.

  • Become a certified Yoga Teacher
  • Be able to teach Hatha yoga
  • Be able to run and manage a Yoga Studio
  • Gain deep knowledge of Asanas
  • Be able to teach Ashtanga Yoga
  • Gain better Anatomy Knowledge
  • Become more spiritual

Hatha & Asthanga Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Hatha Yoga in Bali

“Hatha“ truly implies compel and is gotten from Sanskrit words “ha“ implies sun and “tha“ which means moon. Hatha yoga thusly means rehearse that brings the union of sets of the inverse. Hatha yoga practices are designed in a way so that yoga practioners can align and calm their body, mind, and spirit in preparation for meditation.

Asthanga Yoga in Bali

Ashtanga Yoga was established by K. Pattabhi Jois. Ashtanga yoga truly signifies “eight-limbed yoga,” as plotted by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. A definitive motivation behind the Ashtanga practicing is purging of the body and brain. This training has a solid feeling of reason and you are compelled to center and develop.

Acro Yoga in Bali

Acro yoga is a physical exercise which combines yoga, Acrobatics and Thai massage. Acro yoga is basically a bit of a misnomer as the popular movement worldwide is more commonly refereed to by practitioners simply as Acro and includes all types of partner and group acrobatics in which at least someone is lifted.

 bali yoga

These activities are not included in the teacher training fees but Bali Yoga Teacher Training Center can arrange these upon request.

  • From Bali: Swim with Mantra rays in Nusa Penida
  • Ayung River: Rafting Adventure
  • Mount Batur: Volkswagen Jeep Valcano Safari
  • Seminyak: Beginners Surf Private Lesson with GoPro Shot
  • From Bali: Best of Nusa Penida full-day tour by Fast Boat
  • TelagaWaja: White Water Rafting with lunch
  • Bali: ATV Jungle Buggy Adventure
  • Bali Safari and Marine Park: Day Admission Ticket
  • From Bali: Snorkelling Day trip to Nusa Lembongan
  • Bali: Breakfast and bathing with elephants.

Know Before You Go

  • Always create a peaceful environment in the class, dining area and in the Ashram
  • Always be polite with fellow students and the teachers
  • Proper etiquette as a yoga student
  • Follow all the rules & regulations of the school.
  • Kitchen will be closed on Sundays as it’s a day off for every member of the school
  • No alcohol or any such items are allowed during the course
  • Only vegetarian meals are offered
  • We does not provide money exchange service
  • You are allowed to go out and explore Bali on Sundays
  • The guest relations manager and front desk manager are always in the school to assist our students

How To Reach The School?

NgurahRai International Airport is Bali’s main airport and you can find many taxi services from this airport to our school. It takes anywhere between 60 minutes to 70-80 minutes by car and you face any traffic then it might take 70 to 80 depending on traffic.

Spa Treatments

Extra Charges :

  • Ayurvedic massage
  • Swedish massage
  • ShirodharaAyurvedic massage
  • Slimming treatment
  • Hot oil Ayurvedic Massage
  • Manicure & Pedicure
  • Facial
  • Body Scrub
  • Body Wrap

Refund Policy

If you have paid advance course fees and you are not able to come to that particular month in the case of emergency so we can recommend you next upcoming date for the course but the fees will be not refundable.

How to pay & book a seat

To confirm a seat for the 200 hour yoga teacher training, please fill out the Registration Form and we will get back to you