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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

200 Hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is perfect for beginners looking to introduce yoga into their daily lives or for those aspiring to become yoga teachers or open their own studio. Whether your is your goal this program offers a comprehensive foundation in yoga asanas and meditation guided by world-class experienced teachers who help you avoid injuries and mastering all the ancient treditional techniques. Located along the sacred River Ganges, Rishikesh the land of yogis is a perfect destination where you'll experience the authentic traditions of yoga in a supportive community of like-minded individuals. With wholesome Indian sattvic meals and comfortable accommodations, this training offers a transformative experience that blends learning with the serenity of a peaceful retreat.

  • 28 Days Accommodation
  • Weekend Excursion
  • Sattvic Meals
  • Free Yoga Materials
  • 1 Ayurvedic Massage
  • Morning Himalyas Tour

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Time Table Monday to Saturday

  • 5:30Wake up
  • 6:00 to 7:30 amHatha Yoga
  • 7:45 to 8:45 amMantra chanting, Pranayama, Shatkarma & Meditation
  • 9:00 to 10 amBreakfast
  • 10:30 to 12:00 pmTheraputic Alignment, Human Anatimy, Dynamic Physiology
  • 12:00 to 1:30 pmTalk to expert,other important Sessions, self study
  • 1:30 to 2:30 pmLunch
  • 3:00 to 4:00 pmYoga Philosophy
  • 4:30 to 5:00 pmtea Break
  • 5:00 to 6:30 pmAshtanga Vinyasa
  • 7:00 - 8:00 pmDinner

Sunday is a full day off!

Food and classes will not be avalaible on Sunday (Accomodation is included on Sunday).

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh - Syllabus

Mantra chanting is an effective way to align your vibrations and awareness with the aspects of the self and infinite. It is a great for improving concentration, attention, focus and acts an effective method to release emotions.

  • Om chanting
  • MahaMrityunjaya Mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Guru Vandana (prayer to Guru)
  • Prayer before class & Meal.

Pranayama is generally defined as breath control. Although this interpretation may seem correct in view of the practises involved, it does not convey the full meaning of the term. The word pranayama is comprised of two roots: ‘Prana’ plus ‘Ayama’. Prana means vital energy or life force.


  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Benefits of pranayama
  • Explain the pranic body
  • Prana and lifestyle
  • Breath, health & Pranayama
  • Pranayama and the spiritual aspirants

Practical & Theory

  • Nadishodhana Pranayama
  • Sheetali pranayama
  • Sheetkari Pranayama
  • Bramari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Surya Bheda pranayama


  • Jnana Mudra
  • Chin Mudra
  • Yoni Mudra
  • Bhairava Mudra
  • Hridya Mudra
  • Shambhavi Mudra
  • Khechari Mudra
  • Kaki Mudra
  • Bhoochari Mudra
  • Akashi Mudra

Bandha (Energy Lock)

First definition of the bandha is that by restraining or locking the muscle on a Physical level.

  • Preparation for Bandha
  • Benefits of Bandha
  • MulaBandha
  • JalandharaBandha
  • UddiyanaBandha

Ashtanga yoga is a way of internal purification for revealing the universal self, which consists of eight spiritual practices which syncs the movements of the body with the breath and mind.

Standing Pose

  • Hasta Padangusthasana & Pada Hastasana
  • Utthita Tri Konasana
  • Parivrtta Tri Konasana
  • Utthitan Parsva Konasana
  • Parivrtta Parsva Konasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C & D
  • Utthita Parsvottanasana
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
  • Utthita Parsvasahita
  • Utthita Eka Padasana
  • Ardhabaddha Padmottanasana
  • Ardhabaddha Padmottanasana
  • Virabhadrasana A,B and C.

Primary Asanas

  • Paschimottanasana A, B and C
  • Purvottanasana
  • ArdhaBaddha Padma Paschimottanasana
  • Tirieng Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
  • JanuSirsasana A,B and C
  • Marichyasana A,B and D
  • Navasana
  • Lolasana
  • BhujaPidasana
  • Kurmasana
  • GarbhaPindasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • BaddhaKonasana A & B
  • Konasana A & B

Intermediate Asanas

  • Salabhasana A & B
  • Dhanurasana
  • Ustrasan
  • Kapotasana A & B
  • SuptaVajrasana
  • BakasanaA
  • Bakasana B Jump
  • ArdhaMatsyendrasana
  • Yoga Nidrasana
  • Tittibhasana
  • PichaMayurasana
  • PichaMayurasana
  • Gomukhasana A & B
  • Gomukhasana A & B

Advanced A (optional)

  • Kasyapasana
  • Bhairavasana
  • UrdhvaKukkatasana A
  • Galavasana
  • EkaPadaViparitaDandasna
  • VipritaSalabhasana
  • GandhaBherundasana
  • Hanumanasana
  • Natrajasana
  • Raja Kapotasana

Hatha yoga is considerd to be one of the best forms of exercises all around the world and helps with weight loss, improving health and overall condition of the body. It is adviced to practice hatha yoga under the guidance of expertes as it is considerd to be one of the difficult part of learning yoga.

  • Joints Moments.
  • Surya namaskara ( sun Salutation) & Chandra Namaskara (moon salutation)
  • Yoga Mudrasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Gupta Padmasana
  • BaddhaPadmasana
  • Lolasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • Garbhasana

Backward bending Asanas

  • SaralBhujangasana (Easy cobra Pose)
  • Bhujangasana (cobra Pose)
  • TiryakaBhujangasana (twisting cobra pose)
  • Sarpasana (snake pose)
  • ArdhaShalabhasana ( half locust pose)
  • Shalabhasana (locust pose)
  • SaralDhanurasana (easy bow pose)
  • Kandharasana (shoulder pose)
  • ArdhaChandrasana (half moon pose)
  • Setu Asana (bridge pose)
  • Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose)

Forward bending Asanas

  • Paschimottanasana (back stretching pose)
  • GatyatmakPaschimottanasasna (dynamic back stretch pose)
  • PadaPrasarPaschimottanasana (legs spread back stretch pose)
  • JanuSirshasana (head to knee pose)
  • Ardha Padma paschimottanasana (half lotus back stretching pose)
  • Hasta PadaAngushthasana (finger to toe stretch)
  • Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)
  • SirshaAngusthaYogasana (head to toe pose)
  • Utthitajanusirshasana (standing head between knees pose)

Spinal twisting Asanas

  • ArdhaMatsyendrasana (half spinal twist)
  • ParivrittiJanuSirsasana (spiralled head to knee pose)

Advanced pose

  • Poornabhujangasana (full cobra pose)
  • Kurmasana (tortoise pose)
  • Poornashalabhasana (Full locust pose)
  • PoornaDhanurasana (full bow pose)
  • Dhanu-rakarshan-asana (archer’s posed)
  • Chakrasana (wheel pose)
  • Hanumanasana (leg splitting pose)
  • Poornamatsyendrasana (full spinal twist pose)
  • Mayurasana (peacock pose)
  • Padma mayurasana (Lotus or bound peacock pose)
  • Gorakshasana (Yogi Gorakhnath’s pose)
  • Astavakrasana (eight-twists pose)
  • Vrischikasana (scorpion pose)
  • Inverted pose, balancing pose and core pose.

Shatkarma is a Sanskrit word which is made by 2 different words which is Shat plus Karma and also known as Shaktkriya. This is a traditional Yogic cleansing technique which is very effective and good to remove many illnesses and open the body blockages.

  • Agni Saar
  • JalNeti
  • RuberNeti
  • Tirieng Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
  • Sutra Neti
  • Dand
  • Candle Meditation
  • Mantra chanting meditation
  • Breathing meditation
  • Bhajan/Kirtan
  • Trataka
  • Silence practise meditation

The basic structure and function of the organs and system is very important for the practitioners so that their work as a yoga teacher can be more enhanced. Knowing the different types of joints and their range of motions helps our students to be safe from injuries and also keep safe their students after they start teaching as a teacher.

  • Types of bones
  • Circulatory system
  • Types of heart block
  • Skeletal system

Yoga Philosophy includes theory related to yoga this part of the 200 Hour Yoga TTC at Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center covers following topics :

  • Introduction of Yoga
  • Yoga Pantanjali sutra
  • 5 basic Element
  • Injuries & rest
  • Integrating yoga in daily practice
  • Principle of Yoga
  • 8 limbs of Yoga
  • Yoga therapy
  • Yoga for stress, Migraine and Insomnia
  • Yoga for Hypertension
  • Yoga for heart problem, Blood pressure and Diabetic.
  • Three Dosha
  • The Nadi and kundalini.
  • Basic knowledge of Chakra and Ayurveda
  • Yogic diet
  • Difference between Satvic & Tamasic food.
  • Group discussion
  • Clear doubt

The teaching methodology is one of the most important parts of the 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh as our students will learn the following:

  • How to conduct a class
  • Classroom management
  • How to get in and come out from the posture
  • How to assist & help while teaching the class
  • Which kind of words you should be used as a yoga teacher
  • What makes you different than other teachers in terms of teaching.
  • Which kind of asanas you should recommend with a different health issue
  • How to use belts, bolster, bricks and chair during the class adjustment.

Traumatized people often have trouble sensing what is going on in their bodies, they lack a nuanced response to frustration. They either react to stress by becoming “spaced out” or with excessive anger. Whatever their response, they often can’t tell what is upsetting them. This failure to be in touch with their bodies contributes to their well-documented lack of self-protection and high rates of re-victimization..." - Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.
Learn practices that help trauma survivors reconnect to their bodies in healthy and meaningful ways. Rishikeshyttc's beautiful ashram setting is the perfect place to spend time in nature and process what you learn. These sessions will provide you will several tools for processing trauma and equip you to help lead others through a healing journey of mind and body.

Lecture Topics Include

  • Trauma and the Body healing.
  • Mind-Body Connection through meditation
  • Understanding neurological triggers for trauma
  • How yoga must be adapted for trauma survivors
  • Pranayama - traditional yogic breathing for emotional regulation

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India - Upcomming Dates

1 March to 28 March - 2025
Type Budget Standard
Shared $750 USD $950 USD
Private $1050 USD $1200 USD
Couple $1400 USD $2000 USD
Seats: 23/25
1 April to 28 April - 2025
Type Budget Standard
Shared $750 USD $950 USD
Private $1050 USD $1200 USD
Couple $1400 USD $2000 USD
Seats: 21/25
1 May to 28 May - 2025
Type Budget Standard
Shared $750 USD $950 USD
Private $1050 USD $1200 USD
Couple $1400 USD $2000 USD
Seats: 22/25 (limited Seats Left)
1 June to 28 June - 2025
Type Budget Standard
Shared $750 USD $950 USD
Private $1050 USD $1200 USD
Couple $1400 USD $2000 USD
Seats: 23/25 (limited Seats Left)
1 July to 28 July - 2025
Type Budget Standard
Shared $750 USD $950 USD
Private $1050 USD $1200 USD
Couple $1400 USD $2000 USD
Seats: 23/25
1 August to 28 August - 2025
Type Budget Standard
Shared $750 USD $950 USD
Private $1050 USD $1200 USD
Couple $1400 USD $2000 USD
Seats: 22/25

All Dates Avalable for 2025 - 2026 click on the link below to get Quote

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India - Overview

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India is also known as an intensive yoga course based on traditional hatha yoga and ashtanga yoga style. The 200 hour yoga teacher training course is specially designed for beginners and intermediate-level yoga practitioners .

If you wish to become an authentic and dedicated yoga teacher with 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh you can find great practical and theoretical knowledge about yoga which will make you confident in sharing the knowledge of yoga with the students.

The yoga and meditation programs are not just for learning, but also to get an amazing peace of mind and the true innermost joy. The course offers a good foundation in Hatha as well as ashtanga yoga and is known as an initial stage in becoming a confident and certified yoga teacher.

200 hours yoga teacher training 360 view

200 Hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India upon completion certifies that you have completed all of the necessary elements as listed by the International Yoga Alliance to become a certified and eligible yoga teacher. If you would like to become a successful and confident yoga teacher trainer, you must opt for this yoga teacher training course.

Opting for this 200 hour yoga teacher training course gives you the permission to become a yoga teacher and run your yoga classes. This means that you have learned everything about yoga philosophy, anatomy, postures & history of yoga and now you can pass the knowledge and wisdom of yoga to others.

Yoga is a complex practice with thousands of years of history, tough postures and the ability to transform lives, but it is also very effective for transforming your career as well. The 200 hour yoga teacher training in India is equivalent to 10 to 12 weeks of practice and learning and during that timeframe, you’ll be able to learn this ancient wisdom with other aspirants and grab the great skills to eliminate various health problems very easily including but not only limited to trauma and depression.

Upcoming 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India (2025)

Learn from the best yoga teachers in Rishikesh

1 to 28 March: USD 750 (Yoga Alliance – RYS 200 Certification):: Open

Batch Size: 25 Students Per Class

Food & Accommodations

During your 200 hour yoga teacher training course, you will be staying at Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center in Rishikesh India. The location of the school is right next to the famous Lakshman Jhula(also known as the hanging bridge) and the holy river Ganges. The school provides a peaceful location to practice yoga as the ashram is situated close to the beautiful green mountains of the Himalayas. Basic amenities like shops, cafes, restaurants, ATMs and organic stores are located close to the ashram

The ashram offers both single and double room sets according to the student’s needs. The rooms are neat and clean and have attached bathrooms with western lavatories and a hot shower.

rishikesh yttc accommodations

The rooms also have an attached balcony with a beautiful view of the mountains and garden. Bedsheets, pillows, bath towels, toilet paper, blankets, and welcome amenities are provided to the students. Wifi is available on every floor and water and laundry services are also available.

Rishikesh yoga teacher training center also offers budget accommodations. These rooms are separate from the main building and don't have a balcony or mountain view. All of the other facilities are also available in these rooms.

200 hours yoga teacher training room
200 hours yoga teacher training balcony view
200 hours yoga teacher training bathroom
200 hours yoga teacher training shower

Our food is known all over the globe for its taste and variety. All meals are prepared hygienically by an expert chef and the vegetables used are organically grown. Only vegetarian meals are served and are included in the fees of our 200 hour yoga teacher training in India course.

When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is not needed. ~Ayurvedic Proverb.

Eating the right type of food is an essential part of living a yogic life. Many people think that practising yoga is enough and they don't need to regulate their eating habits. At Rishikesh yoga teacher training centre we believe that yoga is not just an exercise for our mind and body but it is a way of living life. Yoga along with good eating habits can increase the benefits you get from doing yoga.

The food we eat is not only necessary for our physical well-being but also good mental health. The classification of food in the world of yoga is a little different from the scientific world. Instead of classifying food in proteins, fats or carbohydrates, yogic food is classified as - Satva, Rajas and Tamas. Tamasic food makes us feel lazy or sluggish. Rajasic food makes you energetic and may cause restlessness whereas sattvic food makes you feel energetic, enthusiastic and light.

food at rishikesh yttc

We at Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center focus on the well-being of all our students so, all the students are expected to be on a sattvic diet during their stay at the ashram. Sattvic food helps to purify the body and calm the mind. The menu is designed by Master Chef Sandeep Semwal, with many years of experience in working at five-star hotels all around the globe, Chef Sandeep has a vast knowledge about sattvic diet and focuses on hygienic preparation of food so that it doesn't lose its nutritional value which is necessary for a healthy life. Eating too much or too little food can also cause problems even if you are eating healthy food. Overeating can cause lethargy and laziness and eating less than what you need would not provide you with enough energy for your daily routine. Sometimes we know that our stomach is full but we still eat more because of the taste. It is not possible to calculate the right amount of food someone needs using scales and other measurement techniques as every individual requires a different amount of food to function with full efficiency. So, we just need to listen to our body when it tells us to stop eating

It is said that the state of the mind of the person cooking/ eating also affects the food. The energy in the food cooked by someone while he/she was angry will definitely be lower than that of someone who cooked it with a feeling of love, contentment and gratitude. Listening to some soothing music or chanting while cooking and eating can help retain the Prana (life force energy) in the food. It is definitely worthwhile to pay some attention to the food that we eat as the ancient Indian texts say that we are what we eat!

sattvic food

The following meals are included:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner

The following dietary requirement(s) are served and/or catered:

  • Vegetarian
  • Raw food
  • Fruitarian
  • Lactose-Free
  • Organic
  • Yogic
  • Ayurvedic
  • Other dietary requirements on request

If you have special dietary requirements it's a good idea to communicate it to the organiser when making the reservation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India is designed to offer an in-depth learning experience, covering a broad range of essential yoga topics to help you become a skilled and knowledgeable yoga teacher. The key subjects include:

  • Pranayama, Shat Karma, Mantra Chanting, and Meditation: Learn various breathing techniques, cleansing practices, sacred chants, and meditation practices that enhance both physical and mental well-being.
  • Ashtanga Yoga: Understand the core principles of the Ashtanga Yoga system and develop proficiency in its sequences and philosophy.
  • Anatomy: Gain insights into the human body's structure and function to improve your understanding of how yoga affects different muscle groups, joints, and organs.
  • Adjustment & Teaching Methodology: Learn how to guide students through proper postures, adjustments, and effective teaching techniques.
  • Hatha Yoga: Delve into the traditional Hatha Yoga practices, including asanas, pranayama, and their role in balancing body and mind.
  • Yoga Philosophy: Study the foundational texts of yoga, including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, to deepen your understanding of yoga's philosophical roots.
  • Vinyasa Flow: Explore dynamic movement practices, focusing on creating fluid transitions between poses.
  • Group Discussion & Silent Meditation: Participate in group discussions on yoga philosophy and practice, along with silent meditation sessions to enhance self-awareness and mindfulness.

No prior yoga experience is required to join our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. Our course is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate and advanced practitioners. However, to help you prepare, we recommend reading the following books:

  • Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha (200 hours)
  • Four Chapters of Freedom (300 hours)

These will provide foundational knowledge before you start the course.

Our batch sizes range from 22 to 27 students, ensuring personalized attention from our instructors and a supportive learning environment.

Rishikesh, known as the Yoga Capital of the World, offers a serene and spiritual environment that is ideal for deepening your yoga practice. Studying yoga in Rishikesh allows you to immerse yourself in the tradition, surrounded by experienced teachers, stunning natural beauty, and a vibrant yoga community. This course is designed to provide you with a holistic yoga education, supported by the rich spiritual heritage of Rishikesh.

Yes, at the end of the course, you will be required to take both practical and written exams to assess your understanding and knowledge. The course also requires 100% attendance to all classes.

Upon successful completion, you will receive certification from Yoga Alliance USA and Yoga Alliance India International. Additionally, our school is ISO 9001:2015 certified, ensuring a high-quality yoga education.

Our experienced and qualified faculty consists of subject matter experts in various fields of yoga. Each instructor brings years of expertise and a deep commitment to teaching.

We offer both shared (twin-sharing) and private rooms for students. Accommodation is provided from the 1st to the 28th of each month, with meals included during your stay.

We recommend that you avoid visitors during your training to fully immerse yourself in the experience. However, in case of an emergency, nearby accommodations are available for family and friends.

We provide three pure vegetarian, sattvic meals each day, which are freshly prepared to support your yogic lifestyle. The meals contain no onion or garlic, and we can accommodate special dietary requirements such as gluten-free, vegan, or dairy-free meals upon request.

Yes, students may eat at outside restaurants at their own expense. Our school kitchen is closed every Sunday, and we recommend Mamma Mia Inn, a nearby café, for a delicious meal.

The nearest airport is Dehradun (DED), located about 21 km from Rishikesh. Local taxis are available to bring you directly to the school. Please check your booking for the exact location and stay options.

We do have multiple locations for stay and course within Rishikesh, please check for the exact location at the time of booking.

Address for official communication: Escape Hills. Upper Tapovna, Balaknth Mandir Road, Next to Mamma Mia Café, Tapovan, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249192.

We can assist with transportation bookings for sightseeing, but students are responsible for covering the costs.

Rishikesh offers a wealth of spiritual and natural sites to explore, including:

  • Ram Jhula
  • Laxman Jhula
  • Tera Manzil Mandir
  • Shri Bharat Mandir
  • Triveni Ghat
  • Parmarth Niketan
  • The Beatles Ashram
  • Shivpuri
  • Neelkanth Mahadev Temple
  • Vashisht Caves

Yes, you can bring your medications. Please check with your local pharmacy about any quantity restrictions for international flights. We also provide a first-aid kit at the school, accessible 24/7.

Yes, Rishikesh is home to several well-equipped hospitals for medical emergencies, including AIIMS Rishikesh, one of India’s top medical institutions. AIIMS Rishikesh provides world-class healthcare services, cutting-edge medical technology, and highly qualified medical professionals. Along with other local hospitals, it ensures comprehensive healthcare for residents and visitors.

  • High-speed internet access is available to all students during the course of their stay.
  • Nearby markets are located at a distance of 2kms for daily needs and grocery supplies if needed.
  • The school has an installed washing machine for washing clothes. Laundry services are available at an additional cost.
  • Currency exchange of INR is provided at locations situated close to the school. We do accept all currencies in the school for course fees.
  • A local SIM card is available in the market area at a nominal charge, upon production of valid identity proof.
  • Please do check the local weather temperature forecast to pack appropriate garments.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course FEES - 2025

Course DATES Budget Standard BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 March to 28 March Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 April to 28 April Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 May to 28 May Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 June to 28 June Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 July to 28 July Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 August to 28 August Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 September to 28 September Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 October to 28 October Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 November to 28 November Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 December to 28 December Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course FEES - 2026

Course DATES Budget Standard BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 Jan to 28 Jan Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 Feb to 28 Feb Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 March to 28 March Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 April to 28 April Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 May to 28 May Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 June to 28 June Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 July to 28 July Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 August to 28 August Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 September to 28 September Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 October to 28 October Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 November to 28 November Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 1 December to 28 December Shared : $750 Private : $1050 Shared : $950 Private : $1200 BOOK NOW

Experience Our Budget and Standard Rooms for Your 200 Hour TTC

Type Budget Room Standard Room
Shared Room $750 USD $950 USD
Private Room $1050 USD $1200 USD
Couple's Room $1400 USD $2000 USD

Budget Rooms

Our Budget rooms are the perfect option for those seeking affordable and comfortable accommodations during their yoga teacher training. Each room is equipped with a comfortable bed, a fan to keep you cool during warm days, table and chairs, an attached washroom with hot and cold water, and high-speed Wi-Fi to keep you connected with loved ones.

Standard Private Rooms

Our Standard private rooms offer a premium experience for those looking for a little extra comfort during their stay. Each room is equipped with a comfortable bed, table and chair, attached washroom with hot and cold water, high-speed Wi-Fi, and a range of welcome amenities that include a fruit basket, mini water bottle, mini soap, 4 x toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrush, and a rudraksha mala.

Whether you choose our Budget rooms or our Standard private rooms, we guarantee a comfortable and relaxing stay during your yoga teacher training.

What's not Included: Airconditioning, Medical and personal expense , local transportation and drop off after the course

200 Hour Asthanga & Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh

Different institutes offer different packages and it is important to check everything carefully so that your money, time and energy are not wasted. Our course is designed to cater for the specific needs of the learners. For newcomers, many yoga retreats are available, and the curriculum gives an insight into all the basics of yoga philosophy and performances.

The 200 hour yoga teacher training course aims to provide complete knowledge of yoga teacher training to newcomers as well as mid-level learners (who are already accustomed to the basics of yoga arts and science for better insight) and help them improve their confidence and yoga practice.

200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh india

Hatha Yoga in Rishikesh

“Hatha” literally means ‘to compel’ and is derived form from two Sanskrit words “ha” meaning the sun and “tha’ which means the moon. Hatha yoga practices are designed in a way so that yoga practitioners can align and calm their bodies, mind, and spirit. Our Yoga school provides the best Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.

certified 200 hour yoga teacher training

Ashtanga Yoga in Rishikesh

Ashtanga Yoga was established by K. Pattabhi Jois. Ashtanga yoga literally stands for “eight-limbed yoga”, as plotted by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. A definitive motivation behind the Ashtanga practising is the purging of the body and brain. With our 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, we offer the best Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.

best yoga school in rishikesh

Vinyasa Yoga in Rishikesh

Vinyasa yoga means to coordinate your body movements with your breathing. In Sanskrit, “Vi” means Variation and “Nyasa” means within a prescribed way. It consists of a sequence or series of yoga poses. Vinyasa yoga is also known as “flow yoga”. Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga – • Decreases depression • Cardiovascular Benefits • Improves your breathing • Tone your Muscles.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh by Rishikesh YTTC

At Rishikesh yoga teacher training center you will get the complete yoga teacher training course – a mix of devotional, traditional & professional yoga teacher training in India. Our Residential 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is a fusion and combination of various styles of yoga like Hatha yoga, Ashtanga, Vinyasa yoga flow andMeditation techniques.

We are a family of professional yoga teachers and practitioners from different parts of the world. We offer the best 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh and are registered with the Yoga Alliance USA. Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India course is designed with an objective to provide a traditional style of yoga, comprehensive and genuine knowledge of philosophy, yogic life, asana-pranayama, anatomy, meditation-breathing techniques, mantra-chanting, spiritual life and much more.

The course is led by young & enthusiastic yoga teachers who have been studying yoga, meditation and spiritual techniques since their childhood from yoga universities (Gurukulam) and have years of practice and experience in the field of yoga teacher training.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh - Refund Policy

If you have paid the advance course fees and you are not able to come on your booking date please inform us so that we can recommend you the next upcoming date for the course but the fees will be not refunded.

How to apply for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course?

If you would like to book a seat for our 200 hour yoga teacher training course, please fill out this Registration Form and we will get back to you with all the details.