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Top Yoga Blogs And News - 2025

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Things to do in Bali

You've just booked your trip to Bali—congrats! It's one of the most beautiful islands in the world, and there's a lot to do. From sandy beaches and lush rice paddies to spiritual temples and vibrant nightlife, Bali has something . . .

Muladhara - The Root Chakra

The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is the first chakra in our system of seven chakras along a spiritual path that provides us with a sense of identity and belonging to something larger than ourselves. It serves as our connection to our bodies, which gives us a sense of...
woman perform trikonasana

Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) - How To Practice, Benefits & Precautions

Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) is a word derived from the Sanskrit language and is made up of two words. The first word “Mayur” means “peacock” and the second word “asana” means “Pose”. While performing this asana, the performer looks like a peacock, as if a peacock is sitting with its wings spread.
woman perform trikonasana

Trikonasana (Triangle pose) - How to Perform, Benefits and Precautions

Trikonasana is an important standing yoga asana. 'Trikon' stands for triangle and asana means yoga posture. This implies that in this posture the body of the performer takes the shape of a triangle, hence it is named Trikonasana.
yoga benefits

15 benefits of yoga: For Men, Women and Kids

Yoga is an ancient practice that brings together both mind and body. It corporates breathing exercises, meditation, and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress.
History of Yoga

Yoga For Weight Loss - A Beginners Guide

Although, if we talk about yoga and its health benefits. Then, how to live stress-free, it is called yoga. How to stay healthy says this ancient yoga. So how do we know and keep ourselves healthy by reducing extra fat? You can practice yoga poses for weight loss for beginners, an easy and healthy way to remain physically and mentally fit.
a woman performing bhujangasana

Chandra Namaskar Steps

Along with bringing coolness to the body, Chandra Namaskar Yoga can give many other benefits. Most people know about yoga and how much it is important in our lives. Knowing the importance of yoga, our ancestors have been practicing it since ancient times, due to which Yoga is still alive and today people are becoming aware to do it again. It is very beneficial in making our life successful. Through this, we can lead a healthy life as well as stay away from many diseases. Man's old age is also easily cut by its regular practice.

Yoga Poses for beginners

What is Kundalini Yoga? Poses and benefits

Incredibly powerful energy, known as kundalini is said to be located at the base of the spine. It stays there like a sleeping coiled snake. This serpent energy can be activated by practising certain yoga asana, Pranayama, mantras, kriyas, bandhas(body-locks), and mudras (gestures). Through these practices, kundalini energy spikes and raises upwards through 6 energy centres known as chakras. When it reaches the 7th energy centre called Sahasrara or the crown chakra, a yogi unites his consciousness with the divine consciousness and gains enlightenment or moksha.

a woman performing bhujangasana

7 Yoga Poses for Constipation

Constipation is no fun, we all get that from time to time and it can be caused from pain killers, bad diet or stress but even though you may a stool every day or every other day and you feel fine about that, then it's not a problem but if you have difficulty passing the stool or pain or discomfort of any sort, that is technically constipation. Many problems can cause constipation, for example on the certain medication you may be on or certain diseases.

Yoga Poses for beginners

11 Yoga Poses for Beginners

You want to start practising yoga but not sure where to start from? In this article, you can check out the 11 basic yoga poses for beginners. By starting to practice yoga regularly we begin to tune in to the mind and body connection allowing us to focus on the areas that feel weak or that feel pain and learn how to address them so that we can begin to feel relieved. The more control we have in our mind, the more power we have in our life.

difference between pilates and yoga yttc

Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

There are a number of benefits of yoga and meditation, when we think about health, organic food and physical exercise are the very first things that pop into our minds. You should understand that total health isn't just about the physical well being. Our mind, body and spirit are interconnected and affect each other tremendously. If any of these falls off the balance, our whole body will feel on the same level. To be in complete health and harmony, our needing to be in balance.

difference between pilates and yoga yttc

Difference Between Pilates and Yoga

Would you like to know about the difference between Yoga and Pilates so that you can decide which is right for you? Pilates and yoga both use a mat, but they are quite different from each other. Sometimes people get confused about which one to choose as both can help you to achieve long, lean physique you want, but before that there is something you must know.
12 steps of surya namaskar yttc

12 Steps of Surya Namaskar

12 steps of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation are very common and one of the best yogic kriyas for many yogis. It is a very structured technique that combines the 12 yoga asanas in a yogic sequence.Can you imagine your life without the Sun? Life on earth is not possible without the sone and so, Surya Namaskar is an ancient practice of paying respect and expressing gratitude to the sun that is the prime reason for having life on earth. The life giving sun is also a prime source of energy for all the living biengs on our planet.
the human body 7 chakras

The 7 Chakras

The 7 chakras are known to possess the great powers to improve your mind-body connection and they are something that must be activated in order to reap their benefits. It is very important for you to learn the 7 chakras in order to understand your body and mind even better. The 7 chakras might become very complex for some; however it is advised to move forward with a simple and a practical way to view the chakras, for better understanding of your mind, body and soul. You must be aware of the fact that the human body has its own energy and everyone has different energy levels.
yoga vs meditation

Difference between Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is the best form of excercise and at the same time, meditation is something which should not to be underestimated. Most of the people think, yoga and meditation are one and the same things, but there is a huge difference between them. Would you like to know what are the differences between them and what their advantages are? This post is exclusively for the difference between yoga and meditation.

9 Best Yoga Destinations in the world

Are you planning your yoga travel and are not sure about the location? In this article, you can find the best yoga destinations in the world which are offering the most extraordinary practice in most beautiful locations. Unhealthy and stressful lifestyle brings no happiness to life and you will spend all your time and money on doctors and medications and that’s why it is important to go for a yoga retreat from time to time and you should also do yoga in your home every day give yourself an opportunity to find true peace.

Bikram Yoga – How Hot And Beneficial It Is?

The whole world today is following the path of yogis and love doing yoga for attaining all health and mental benefits. Currently, different kinds of yoga being practiced out by the people and Bikram yoga is one of them, considered as the hot yoga and one of the very challenging forms. If you have never tried Bikram Yoga before, you better know more about the same in order to attain all the benefits you look forward to have. Must know that yoga is great for everyone and it might be simple for everyone, but when we talk about Bikram Yoga, it is a form of hot Yoga and very beneficial than anything else. It is truly fantastic to go with in order to improve our health and well-being, but at the same time, it is tough.
hatha yoga in rishikesh

Hatha Yoga- Meaning, Poses and Importance

If you like to live healthily and stress-free life, then you must have to perform some physical activities. There are different kinds of activities that you can perform to live a healthy life. If you are also thinking to live a good and healthy life, then you can think about the yoga. In yoga, there are different branches available, so you can choose the type of yoga as per your convenience.

6 Reasons To Start Your Practice With Asthanga Yoga

You might don’t know about the Ashtanga yoga and its very surprising benefits, but if you are interested in yoga, you must start your chapter with the very same. This is one of the best yoga poses one should definitely try and gain all the benefits, which we are lacking today. As we know yoga means ‘union’, and it is all about the unity of the mind, body, and soul. By practicing yoga, we can attain a great peace as it helps in offering the self-awareness, peace of mind, self-healing, and great power which is necessary for living life peacefully.

Vinyasa Yoga –Meaning, Importance And Its Health Benefits

When it comes to a healthy body, heart, and mind, there is nothing better than yoga as this is something purify everything from our body to the brain along with the soul. For a peaceful, happy and healthy life, there is nothing better than the same and everyone should learn this amazing technique to get rid of all health issues. When we talk about yoga, it is something we are talking about peace and flexibility and it is more than the same.
meditation yoga in rishikesh

Meditation Yoga And How Best It Is For Health And Peace?

Tired from everyday mundane life and with monotonous activities one needs to give rest to their minds. Every time taking a break and going on vacation is not possible. And going on vacation is a temporary way to get freshness internally. After some days life seems akin to what it was. For your mental health you need to choose a method which is long lasting and healthy. And when we talk about healthy and long lasting result for our body and mind yoga is the best possible way. Yoga is not only effective for physical health but also for mental health it is the best. Meditation yoga is one of the methods which enable you to bring mental peace and enhance your quality of life.
nidra yoga in rishikesh

Nidra Yoga: Meaning, Importance And Benefits

Everyone wants to be healthy and fit. Investing some time on your fitness is mandatory. The environment that surrounds you is not a natural environment anymore. Advancement in science and technology is reducing the purity of the environment. In such condition an extra effort you need to make in order to stay fit. That little effort is Yoga. Yoga purifies your body and soul. It enhances the immunity of your body.
kriya yoga in rishikesh

Why Kriya Yoga? The Meaning And Benefits

Kriya Yoga is becoming popular as men and women, tired of running towards material wealth, turn towards spiritual quest and find comfort in Kriya Yoga. Kriya Yoga is an ancient system, which is revived in modern times. It became popular when the book, 'Autobiography of a Yogi' written by Paramahansa Yogananda, became available to the larger audience. According to him, there is a clear description of Kriya Yoga in the ancient texts of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which says by doing pranayama one can attain liberation of the soul.
History of Yoga

Yoga: Introduction, History and Benefits

Yoga is known to work for one’s body, mind, emotion and energy, hence called as one of the best art to get health, wellness and happiness without spending a penny. Yoga is everything and very important in today’s life in order to make our life energetic and at the same time very peaceful and full of happiness. But, do you know about its history or the origin of the same?
Beatles Ashram Rishikesh

Beatles Ashram Rishikesh – The Ultimate Place For Yogis

The Beatles Ashram Rishikesh is generally named as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram, as late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was visited the ashram with the Beatles in 1968 to get trained on the advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation at this place. More on the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he was very famous and inspiring Indian meditation teacher around the globe to bring the Transcendental Meditation technique to those willing to learn.