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6 Reasons To Start Your Practice With Asthanga Yoga In Rishikesh

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Asthanga Yoga In Rishikesh


You might not know about the Ashtanga yoga and its very surprising benefits, but if you are interested in yoga, you must start your chapter with the very same. This is one of the best yoga poses one should definitely try and gain all the benefits, which we are lacking today.

As we know yoga means ‘union’, and it is all about the unity of the mind, body, and soul. By practicing yoga, we can attain a great peace as it helps in offering the self-awareness, peace of mind, self-healing, and great power which is necessary for living life peacefully. Must know that Yoga doesn’t belong to anybody and it is all about ‘you’ and how you take yoga in your life. Coming back to the Astanga Yoga it is one of the oldest forms of yoga and also known by the name of the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, which has been practicing for years and offering the most replenishing benefits to the people.

What does Ashtanga Yoga mean?

Once Rory Trollen said “The way you accept Ashtanga yoga is the way you will accept other outside challenges in life” and it is all about the Ashtanga means. It is an eight-limbed form and this system of yoga was recorded by sage Vamana Rishi. This is the yoga style was popularised by K. Pattabhi Jois during the 20th century and due to zillions of Ashtanga Yoga benefits, it has got great popularity and is considered by every yogi today. According to sage Patanjali- the founder of an Ashtanga yoga pose, it is a way of internal purification for revealing the universal self, which consists of eight spiritual practices. Today without Ashtanga we can’t go with the yoga practice and it is a dynamic flowing practice, which syncs the movements of the body with the breath and mind. The major reason to design the same is just to purify the body, building core strength and toning the body and this is what people are gaining by practicing the same.

The Eight spiritual practices of Ashtanga Yoga are-

  • Yama, which teaches us the moral codes and how we relate to others.
  • Niyama, known for discipline or self-purification.
  • Asana, stands for appropriate yogic posture and how we relate our body with the same.
  • Pranayama – amazing kiriya to control the breath.
  • Pratyahara, helps in controlling our senses.
  • Dharana, which teaches us how to boost our focus.
  • Dhayana, a meditation technique.
  • Samadhi or salvation, which is a deep realization via meditation.

Ashtanga Yoga is all about Swasa or breath, gazing point, locking energy, and the key positions, which helps people in making their lives wonderful, peaceful and satisfactory.

The Ashtanga Yoga Pose

Kick-starting with Ashtanga yoga means you will need to undergo with the series of Hatha yoga poses first. Begin with standing poses to sitting poses then to finishing poses and it requires a lot of focus along with the strict adherence to the routine makes the style unique and beneficial. This yoga style generally starts with Surya Namaskar or Sun salutation, which is then followed by six standing poses, which are very necessary and called as the foundation of other poses. If you are the beginner, you may find the series full of complexities, but when you have the best guru for your help, you can practice in a better way under strict supervision.

Ashtanga yoga is tough for some and that is why it known as one of the most physically challenging forms of yoga. Earlier, it was done with the long sequence of postures with a vinyasa in between each, which requires a lot of strength and stamina to complete, and it must be done in a warm room. Some say that Ashtanga yoga won’t suit everyone but with regular practice one will gain the benefit of cleansing and healing, which we can’t expect to get from any other poses.

The Benefits

There are zillions of benefits we can expect to have by regularly practicing the Ashtanga Yoga Pose as follows-

Great flexibility

Don’t you want your body to be flexible enough? Well, the flexibility of a body is necessary as it makes us fit and healthy and with the regular practice of this so innovative pose, we can gradually improve the flexibility. Right now, you might not be able to touch your toes or bend back, but once you begin with the same, your flexibility will improve a lot.

Boost up the energy level and strength

As said that Ashtanga Yoga requires a lot of body strength, however, with the regular practice one can easily improve great strength and energy. You must aware of the fact that there are around 60 vinyasas in the Ashtanga Yoga primary series, and once you start up with the same, you will experience with a lot of different movements and poses will help you to boost your energy level. The day will come soon when you will be able to hold your body weight up on just your hands or you are balancing on one leg. All in all, you will gain a lot of body strength will give you an amazing boost in your energy and you will remain active all day.

Reduce body fat

A lot of people are hell frustrated with their body weight, which is increasing day by day. They are getting out of shape and all because of our poor eating habits, no workout and sitting all day in front of the computer. In order to remove fat completely or especially from arms and around the stomach area, with this yogic style is very much possible. One can easily burn fat from the same and expect better results soon. Also, the same yoga pose will make you sweat all the time, which is good for the muscles and you will lose weight quickly.

No Stress, tension, and anxiety

They are very common today and everybody is struggling with the same, whether you are a student, working in any company, housewife or anybody else. With the help of the Ashtanga Yoga and practicing the postures every day will help you to avoid all stress and issues. As you will get in touch with the breathing exercises, this will waive off all of your tension easily.

Best for deep concentration

In order to become pro in Ashtanga Yoga, it requires deep concentration and focus the mind, which you will learn very easily by regular practicing of the same. You will undergo with the Dhyana or Samadhi poses, will give you complete peace of mind and great focus. This yoga pose is the key to pay close attention to alignment in this practice it is all about to focus on the flow and breathe and less on alignment.

Lower down the blood pressure

We all know the effects of high blood pressure and this can’t make us live in a better manner. It leads to other various health issues, including- heart stroke, hence we should look forward to controlling the same. By practicing Ashtanga Yoga, it helps in lowering down the blood pressure as you will undergo with the breathing exercises, where you will be needed to extend your inhalations and exhalations or make them deeper for great peace.

Aside this, it helps us from preventing injuries, enhance our cardiovascular fitness, get great muscle tone, great digestion of food, improves fitness and concentration and overall will make your life the best. Try it out today and gain maximum benefits will protect your health, wellness, and happiness always.