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Hatha Yoga In Rishikesh - Meaning, Poses and Importance

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Hatha Yoga In Rishikesh

If you like to live healthily and stress-free life, then you must have to perform some physical activities. There are different kinds of activities that you can perform to live a healthy life. If you are also thinking to live a good and healthy life, then you can think about the yoga. In yoga, there are different branches available, so you can choose the type of yoga as per your convenience and your strength.

These days, there are many people who are fond of yoga; they are practicing yoga on a daily basis to avail its benefits. In yoga also, there are different branches and one of the branches is hatha yoga. The Hatha is a Sanskrit word which literally means force and it alludes to a system of physical techniques. The hatha yoga is mainly associated with the popular tradition with the Yogis. According to the yoga Sastra, there are two different of hatha yoga, one consists of the eight limbs of ashtanga and another one is consist of eight mudras. It is believed that the hatha yoga comes from a tantric Buddha milieu, the oldest text to use this terminology of hatha are also Vajrayana Buddhist. The later that, it has adopted the practice of mudras into a Saiva system. But now, hatha yoga is completely focused on the particular of asanas (physical postures) and now it becomes one of the popular exercises throughout the world. It is considered as one of the best forms of physical exercise. The modern hatha yoga is a form of yoga, and it is known as Yoga. It is one of the best physical exercises that help people a lot and assist people to live a better life.

Importance of Hatha Yoga:

In the yogic development, there are different steps, so hatha yoga is the third step on the eightfold path. There is much importance of hatha yoga, so if you are planning to start some exercise, then it will be good to start with Hatha yoga. The people practice it with the aim to open the energy channels, strengthening mental and physical stamina, and to prepare the body to sit comfortably. The physical postures of this physical exercise will mobilize the body, increase the mobility, open restrictions, increase strength and flexibility.


It also helps in weight loss improves the health as well as the overall condition of the body. If you are planning to practice hatha yoga, then it will be good to practice under the expert professionals because if you do not practice the asanas in the right way, otherwise you have to face the side effects. In the same manner, the Hatha yoga will also help to quiet the mind as well as turn it inward. If you are looking for the option for inner peace, then hatha yoga will be the best option. The potential of hatha yoga can truly manifest and you will have the inner peace.

Benefits of Hatha Yoga:

When a person thinks about practicing some exercise on a daily basis, then one has to think very carefully. Along with the weight loss, the regular practicing of hatha yoga will improve the balance, strength, flexibility and it also offers some light to the moderate aerobic condition along with the style practice. Apart from these benefits, there are many more benefits of practicing hatha yoga, it may be gained from incorporating breath work and meditation.

With the regular practice of hatha yoga will also provide beneficial effects in various health conditions that include, but not limited to heart, asthma, cancer, infertility, arthritis, pregnancy, carpal tunnel syndrome, insomnia, chronic back pain, and fibromyalgia. Apart from these benefits, it also helps in the reduction of mind and body stress and provides relaxation.

Sitting Postures of Hatha Yoga Asanas:

In yoga, there are different types of workout positions. If you are thinking about the upper part workout, then the treadmill or lifting a barbell is not workable, you can look for some alternative that you can practice and help you to get multiple benefits. alternative therapy is Hatha yoga. There is a meaning of Hatha, Ha stands for "the sun" and Tha stands for "the Moon", it signifies the ultimate balance of human life and earth.

The hatha yoga exercises are the internal force of the human body in a way to reform the soul, body, and mind. As there are different kinds of postures in hatha yoga, so if you want to practice yoga, then it will be good to practice under the yoga trainer. There are many professionals trainers available who help you to practice hatha yoga in a perfect way. If you are looking for the most popular sitting postures in hatha yoga are Dandasana (Staff Pose), Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Matsayasana (Fish Pose), Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend Pose), Gomukhasana (Cow Pose) and more. There are many other postures and asanas available, so if you want to know about the posture in details, then you can check the details on the internet. There are many videos and images available that will help you in practicing hatha yoga in a correct way.


Different Postures of Hatha Yoga:

As there are different postures available in Hatha yoga for the better of a body, so it will be good to practice yoga in the correct way to get the positive result. If you know about the different postures of hatha yoga, then here are some names of postures or asanas that include Swastikasana (In this, you have to place both the soles of the feet inside the thighs and knees. Sit up straight), Gomukhasana (Put the right ankle on its left side beside the buttock. Likewise, put the left ankle on its right side and then place the right ankle next to the left buttock and the left (ankle) next to the right (buttock)), Virasana (Place one foot on top of one thigh, and the other thigh on top of the other foot), Kurmasana (Cover the anus with the crossed ankles), Kukkutasana (Settle in Padmasana put the hands between the knees and thighs. Place the hands on the earth. Lift into the sky) and more. There are many more different kinds of postures, so it will be good to practice under the trained and experienced yoga trainer who are trained in hatha yoga.

As there are many people who are confused between the different branches of yoga, so it will be good to know the different branches of yoga before you start practicing yoga and if you are already practicing yoga on a daily basis, then you must know the importance and benefits of yoga. Many people think that why hatha yoga is important, thus there are many benefits and importance of practicing it. If you don’t know much about it, then it will be good to check it on the internet, it will be an easy and convenient way of practicing and knowing about hatha yoga. You can check the different videos of hatha yoga online; it will help you to live a healthy life in a great way. So, it is important to move forward with the Hatha yoga and attain great benefits not just for health, but for mental health and good soul as well.