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What is Kundalini Yoga - It's Poses and benefits

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga

Incredibly powerful energy, known as kundalini is said to be located at the base of the spine. It stays there like a sleeping coiled snake. This serpent energy can be activated by practising kundalini yoga poses - Pranayama, mantras, kriyas, bandhas(body-locks), and mudras (gestures).

Through these practices of kundalini yoga, kundalini energy spikes and raises upwards through 6 energy centres known as chakras. When it reaches the 7th energy centre called Sahasrara or the crown chakra, a yogi unites his consciousness with the divine consciousness and gains enlightenment or moksha.

The roots of Kundalini Yoga goes back at least two thousand years. Upanishads the sacred Vedic collection says kundalini is the science of energy, a total of 20 out of 108 Upanishads are written solely for the practice of the kundalini yoga poses. Through the teachings of these Upanishads, you can reach your maximum creative potential byactivating the 7 Chakras.

Kundalini Yoga poses are a blend of Shakti Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Raja Yoga which can help achieve maximum creative potential in each individual. It's objective is to free ourselves from past actions(karma), recognize, refine and expand our awareness and understand the purpose of life. Yoga comes in different forms and styles, kundalini yoga is a mixture of physical workout and meditation.

The 7 Chakras of kundalini yoga

Kundalini Yoga Poses for Beginners

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of inner awakening. It's a blend of physical, mental, and spiritual practice. Unlike vinyasa and hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga focuses on the mind and body especially the nervous system. You chant, practice certain yoga kriyas and breathing exercises to elevate your kundalini energy all towards the crown chakra from the base of the spine. Let's check out some kundalini yoga practices and poses.

1. Tuning-in with the Adi Mantra :

Almost all kundalini yoga classes start by tuning inwards and chanting of the mantra 'Om Namo Guru Dev Namo.

Let's try it:

  • Start by sitting comfortably on the yoga mat and rub your palms together. The brain's left and right hemispheres get balanced by rubbing the palms together.
  • Now keep your hands still and press your thumbs into the heart centre. Do deep breathing 2-3 times and start chanting the Adi mantra 'Om Namo Guru Dev Namo'. Chant the mantra 3 times.
  • Now take a deep breath in and retain it for as long as you can, keeping the thumbs at the heart centre.
  • Exhale and rest your hands on the knees.

2. Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati)

Breath of Fire is detoxifying pranayama which consists of short and strong breaths in and out that heats up the body. Breaths are rhythmic and on regular practice, you can get benefits including a strong muscular body, focus and it helps in removing scary toxins. This Kundalini Yoga Pose mainly helps in detoxification of the entire body and keeps the blood oxygenated.

Let's try it:

  • Start by taking a deep breath in and out. On your next inhale imagine the breath travelling down to the lower belly. Lower belly expands and on the exhale, we draw the navel in and we imagine that breath coming in and out through the nose or mouth. Inhale in and exhale out.
  • Close your eyes and see that visualization of the breath travelling down on the inhale and then coming up and out on the exhale.

3. Sufi Grind Pose

Sufi Grind Pose focuses on your thoracic (or mid) spine and brings balance to your root chakra. It also helps in digestion when done from the right side first.

Let's try it:

  • Sit in an easy pose, cross legs. Hold the knees. Begin rotating the spine in a big circle for 1 minute and a half.
  • Keep the head upright. Inhale as you circle forward across the knees and exhale as you rotate back.
  • Close your eyes. Meditate with the movement.
  • After 1 minute and a half change the direction.
  • 4. Vajrasana (Rock Pose)

    Rock Pose benefits with Better digestive health and brings peace of mind and calmness. It also helps in strengthening the sexual organs.

    kundalini yoga infographic

    Let's try it:

    5. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

    The regular practice of Camel Pose improves spinal flexibility, strengthens back. It stretches the chest, hips, quadriceps, and abdomen. It also improves digestion by stimulating the kidneys.

    Let's try it:


    These kundalini yoga poses are very effective in awakening the 7 Chakras, these can be practiced by both beginners as well as advanced level practioners. If you liked this blog, please share it and check out ouryoga blogsfor more interesting reads.