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The Muladhara or Root Chakra - The Earth Element

The Root Chakra - An Introduction

The Muladhara or Root Chakra is associated with the Earth element, grounding and stability. The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is the first chakra in our system of seven chakras along a spiritual path that provides us with a sense of identity and belonging to something larger than ourselves. It serves as our connection to our bodies, which gives us a sense of security and stability in this physical realm.

root chakra

Muladhara Means 'Root Support'

The Sanskrit name for the root chakra is Muladhara which means 'root support'. This is the first of seven chakras. The first chakra corresponds to your physical body and its connection to the earth. It also relates to your fundamental needs, such as food and shelter.

Muladhara is located at the base of your spine, right below where it meets with your pelvis (the sacrum bone). It controls basic life-sustaining functions like blood circulation, respiration and digestion — all of which are necessary in order for you to stay alive!

Location Muladhara Chakra

The Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of your spine, approximately between your tailbone and pubic bone. You will find it on either side of the centre line of the body and just below it, or even slightly above it in some people.

Anahata (Heart) chakra is located at about 60-70 cm from its predecessor's location, that is to say in front of it.

Then comes Manipura (Solar Plexus), with a distance between 1m 20cm and 1m 50cm from Anahata; this one corresponds to our navel area. From there down we have Svadhistana (Sacral Plexus), which corresponds to our groin area; then finally we come across where they all meet up: Muladhara Chakra - also known as Root Chakra!

The Colour of the Root Chakra

The colour associated with this chakra is red because it represents blood which feeds all other parts inside our bodies when oxygen gets pumped into them through arteries where oxygen travels back out again once it becomes carbon dioxide after being broken down inside cells which then exhale carbon dioxide along with side waste products including urine excreted through urethral tubes.

Muladhara, the root chakra, is located at the base of your spine and is associated with the earth. This means you can feel it if you sit down, or stand still and close your eyes. You can also touch your feet to help find this chakra. The root chakra connects as well to smell and sight (seeing/smelling).

Root Chakra & the Physical Environment

As the first chakra, the root chakra connects us to the Earth and our physical environment, as well as to our basic needs for survival. The Sanskrit word for "root" is "Mula." When energy is blocked in this chakra, you may feel disconnected from others and not know how to take care of yourself.

Perhaps you struggle with ongoing stress or recurring illness that interferes with your ability to thrive. Or perhaps you find yourself seeking more material possessions than are necessary to meet your basic needs—perhaps even at the expense of others' success.

The Muladhara (Root) Chakra has four petals that represent our connection with nature: physical contact; relationship with animals; plant life; elements such as water or fire.

This centre represents safety and security by providing us with food, shelter and clothing so that we can survive on a physical level without having these things taken away from us by others who are trying to harm us physically or emotionally (as opposed to being mentally abused).

Muladhara root chakra infopgraphic

Balanced Muladhara

Chakras are energy centres in the body. They are located along a central channel of energy running from the base of the spine to the top of the head, called Sushumna Nadi.

The chakras are associated with different elements, colours, and emotions. Each chakra has a different purpose; each chakra also has an associated number of petals that symbolize different aspects of ourselves and our lives.

Muladhara is associated with earth (yellow), survival instincts, fear, and anger/rage. When this chakra is in balance:

  • You feel grounded when you're physically safe or operating within your comfort zone.
  • You feel secure and safe, and have an understanding of your limitations and the ability to be independent.

Download 7 Chakras Self-help PDF

The PDF is a comprihensive guide for beginners on the 7 chakras & how to activate them.

Benefits of Activating Root Chakra?

Root Chakra Activation can help you feel more grounded and secure. The Root Chakra is the foundation of your being, and its activation helps you feel more secure and safe in your body. This is a great thing for anyone who wants to feel more independent or self-sufficient.

If you are feeling insecure or uncertain about where you are headed in life, this chakra may be blocked or unbalanced, causing anxiety. When this chakra is balanced, it will help create a solid grounding force in your life that fortifies your confidence and sense of direction. A strong root chakra gives us confidence because we know who we are and what our place in the world is—we have both an internal compass as well as external support systems (such as friends, and family members) that reinforce these boundaries daily so that we don’t stray too far from them!

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