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Trikonasana (Triangle pose) - How to Perform, Benefits and Precautions

Trikonasana is an important standing yoga asana. 'Trikon' stands for triangle and asana means yoga posture. This implies that in this posture the body of the performer takes the shape of a triangle, hence it is named Trikonasana. Trikonasana or Triangle pose yoga is an excellent yoga practice to reduce back pain. Along with reducing obesity, it plays a big role in controlling diabetes.

How to perform Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)?

There are numerous benefits of the triangle pose if done properly. Therefore, it is vital to know the right steps to perform this amazing yoga asana.


  • To do this, first of all, stand straight with your feet together and keep your hands beside your thighs. You can also stand in Tadasana.
  • Keep a distance of 2 to 3 feet between your feet and now spread your arms upto your shoulder level.
  • Now while inhaling slowly, move your right arm over the head so that it touches the ear.
  • Now while exhaling slowly tilt your body to the left.
  • Don't bend your knees and don't let your hands move away from your ears.
  • In the final pose, your right arm should be parallel to the ground and your left arm should be parallel to the left leg, but the arm should not rest on that foot.
  • Breathe in slowly and exhale slowly and maintain this posture according to you.
  • While breathing slowly come back to the old position.
  • Repeat the same action on the other side as well.
  • Perform this asana 4 - 5 times.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) Step By Step

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Benefits of Practicing Trikonasana –

There are many advantages of trikonasana, some of the major benefits are listed below.

Trikonasana For Weight Loss: If you want to get rid of obesity or belly fat, then you should practice Trikonasana. It brings a suitable stretch to your entire body and plays a significant role in reducing excess fat. By doing the modified Trikonasana exercise, belly fat can be reduced very easily.

Trikonasana for Skin: Regular practice of the triangle pose saves you from skin related problems. The problem of frequent pimples and acne on the skin goes away and makes the face shiny.

Trikonasana to Increase Height: With its regular practice, your height increases and you can get the height you want.

Trikonasana for Lungs: By practicing trikonasana regularlay, you get more oxygen in your lungs and the right exercise of the lungs is done.

Trikonasana for Energizing the body: This asana makes you light and at the same time maintains your energy.

Trikonasana for Diabetes: By practicing this yoga, type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be prevented.

Trikonasana for Back Pain: With this asana, you can cure back pain to a great extent.

Trikonasana for Sciatica: If this asana is done slowly or with a specialist, then sciatica can also be cured with help of this posture.

Trikonasana for Constipation: A person suffering from constipation should practice this yoga. This makes your digestive system strong and digestion.

To increase stamina: Regular practice of the triangle pose, you can increase your stamina.

Reducing acidity: This asana helps in proper secretion of your stomach glands and plays an important role in digestion of food.

Reducing Anxiety and Stress: With its regular practice, the glands of your body secrete hormones in the proper amount, which gradually takes you away from the stressful life.

a woman performing trikonasana

Some Other Benefits of The Triangle Pose:

  • It makes your body flexible and prevents the muscles from getting stiff.
  • This is a good exercise to create balance in the body.
  • Improves and strengthens your thighs and legs muscles.
  • It helps in expanding the chest.
  • It helps in maintaining mental balance while keeping the nerves healthy.
  • It is helpful in reducing the fat of your waist and making it slim.

Precautions of Trikonasana -

  • This asana should not be done if there is a lot of back pain.
  • Those with slip discs should avoid the practice of this asana.
  • Avoid doing this in high and low BP.
  • If there is dizziness in the head, then it should not be practiced.
  • Its practice should be avoided if there is more pain in the neck and back.
  • It should not be done in a migraine.
  • Avoid doing this in hyper acidity.
benefits of trikonasana