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Yoga For Weight Loss - A Beginners Guide

Although, if we talk about yoga and its health benefits. Then, how to live stress-free, it is called yoga. How to stay healthy says this ancient yoga. So how do we know and keep ourselves healthy by reducing extra fat? You can practice yoga poses for weight loss for beginners, an easy and healthy way to remain physically and mentally fit.

The first and very important thing is to learn to love yourself, accept yourself as you are. Look at seeing the variety of shapes and sizes in the world, they all are lovely.

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How about yoga poses for weight loss for beginners?

Yoga is a simple exercise to reduce extra fat. When oxygen goes inside the mitochondrial, then the energy will increase and the extra energy that is generated by yoga poses in us melts the excess fat and burns the calories. Regular practices of yoga asanas have magical effects on both the mind and body. That gives you complete satisfaction so you feel calm and peaceful in your life.

Your senses should open perpetually

Five senses in the human body play a significant role in human life. These senses keep you always aware of how much food is in your body. So you skip the unnecessary calories that you don't need.

Avoid eating too much or less at one time. When you get a cramp of hunger, only then eat food. If you are searching for time duration then a 4 hours gap is appropriate to start another meal. Following just exercise is always not enough for weight loss. Along with the exercise, you also need the right diet habit to get fast benefits in weight loss. Yoga not only helps you in weight loss but it also makes your efforts and determination strong by making your senses alert and controls.

You should follow the right sleeping pattern

How does sleep help in weight loss? This is a very interesting question and the science of sleeping and weight loss or science of fat burning while sleeping is very important to know.

Less sleep affects the body by disturbing metabolism and increases the hunger hormone ghrelin is also called hunger hormone, so as result you eat more and put on weight frequently. And the decrease in the fullness hormone called leptin, a hormone that controls your hunger.

Thus rising in ghrelin hormone directly affects the leptin hormone. That causes a rise in your hunger and you often gain weight.

Deep and good sleep is necessary to lose weight and burn fat. Yog Nindra and some other yoga asanas are helpful for sound sleep. People also have been seen taken benefits in insomnia by practicing yoga asana.

Do exercise that equally gentle and vigorous on your body

If we talk about the nature of yoga poses, then you can experience both the state of being gentle and vigorous on your body. Where yoga asana keeps your body calm and peaceful, on the other side, yoga asana works actively on the weight loss process. A flow moves or poses, flexibility, and active postures easily burn out the rich amount of calories from your body.

Always try to be calm and make a difference from depression

Stress causes many types of diseases including weight gain. People having stress disorder are frequently found to put on double fat around the belly area. Due to depression, your body releases more stress hormones named cortisol that results in weight gain. Yoga has the ability to make every well being calm and stress-free.

10 easy yoga poses for weight loss for beginners

There are a variety of yoga poses that you as a beginner can practice easily. I have described some of them, so you could take advantage of them in the weight loss process with your healthy diet.

Adho mukha svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

  • Bhujangasana ( Cobra pose)
  • Navasana (Boat Pose)
  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
  • Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s pose)
  • Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
  • Ardha Chandrasana (Half moon pose)
  • Anjaneyasana (Crescent Lunge)
  • Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
  • Balasana (Extended Child Pose)

Let’s see the steps of practicing yoga poses for beginners-

Adho mukha svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

  • Feel very strongly with your hands on the mat.
  • Now tuck your toes. Make sure that you engage your navel and slowly lift yourself up.
  • Your focus is to lift your hip back and up and lengthening your spine.
  • Keeping that position of your spine completely straight.
  • Now you are going to press your heels into the floor.

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Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

  • Join legs together and heels together. Make sure when you join your legs together, your arch will not be more, your spine will be stretched more.
  • Now inhale, lengthen your spine.
  • Create spaces between your pelvic and rib cages then arch back.
  • Drop your shoulder back and then arch. Make sure your mouth is closed.
  • Finally, upper joints and lower joints will contact each other.

Navasana (Boat Pose)

  • Roll your shoulder back and lean back. Make sure that you are not lying down to sleep here.
  • Lean all the way back as you keep leaning back you feel that you are going one point to topple in some way. So don’t let it happen.
  • You keep your back strong, nice, and sturdy.
  • As you inhale, slowly lift your legs off the mat.
  • Keep your upper body straight right there and slowly keep normal breathing.
  • Now inhale, lift your legs all the way up.
  • One you could hold your leg and support your arms by holding the back of your thighs and if you want to leave your arms and put your arms free just in front of you it looks like a boat shape.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

  • Stay tall and nice, take deep breaths.
  • Slowly put your hips back and start bending your knees.
  • Raise your arm all the way up to inhale and make sure you have a normal deep breath.

Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s pose)

  • Begin to sit with a straight back.
  • Keep the soles of your feet together and interlock your fingers onto your toes.
  • And begin to flap your thighs.
  • Make sure your breath is very normal.
  • To intensify the stretch in your groin, pull your feet close to your pelvis and begin to flap a couple of times.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

  • Begin to lie down on your back.
  • Place your heels as close as possible to your hips.
  • Hold your ankles. Make sure your thumb is outside.
  • Now ready, slowly inhale and lift your hips all the way up as higher as possible.
  • Your breath should be in a normal range.
  • Stay at this state for a couple of deep breaths.

Ardha Chandrasana (Half moon pose)

  • Place your right leg or left leg. Make sure there is a 4 feet gap between both legs forward.
  • Now shift all the body weight towards your leg that you have placed forward.
  • Place your hand down and raise your leg back.
  • Make sure that your toes and hips are in a straight line.
  • If you have placed your left leg down then only put your left hand down.
  • And gently raise your right hand up.
  • Then turn your neck and look at your finger points.
  • Stay here for 5-6 breaths.

Anjaneyasana (Crescent Lunge)

  • From you begin, get your right leg all the way outside to your right palm.
  • Set your left knee onto the mat, toes out.
  • And come up all the way into a low lunge and lookup. If you can.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

  • Ready, just come onto your knees and face your elbows very firm and nice.
  • Now interlock your fingers and take a few deep breaths.
  • Croll back your toes.
  • As you exhale then slowly lift your knees and hips over from the mat.
  • Putting your head down. Make sure your breath is very normal.

Balasana (Extended Child Pose)

  • Begin Balasana pose with the tabletop position.
  • Now bend down, place your elbows and palms on the ground
  • Your forehead supposed to touch the ground
  • Now grab the claws of the feet with your palms
  • Stay in this pose for a while
  • And slowly return to the previous state.

Though these 10 easy yoga poses are very effective in weight loss and you can burn out your body fat easily.


However, only practicing yoga asana is not enough to lose weight. You also need to follow the right diet habit to enhance the benefits of yoga poses. Hopefully, this blog (Yoga For Weight Loss For Beginners), will be helpful for those who really want to be fit and firm by their body and mind.